Term Deposits

Here at Moni Plus, we offer competitive rates on term deposits from 30 days to 2 years, with a minimum Term Deposit of K5,000.00, with no penalty fees for early withdrawal.
For larger amounts, from K50,000.00, deposits can be placed At Call, for greater flexibility.
Invest in our secure Term Deposits to grow your money consistently over a period of time convenient to you or your business.
We are required by the Internal Revenue Commission to deduct 15% of the gross interest income paid or credited for Resident Withholding Tax (RWT). Depositors whose interest income may be exempted from RWT should provide an exemption certificate to this effect from the Internal Revenue Commission.
While no penalty fees are charged on early withdrawal, interest rate may be adjusted to reflect rate applicable to the term funds remained on deposit.
Moni Plus Products
Select from a range of Moni Plus products to suit your individual needs:
Application Forms
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Contact Us
Feel free to give us a call or send us an email to discuss your loan requirements.
- (+675) 323 3396
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